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The Resources

End of Life & Rainbow Bridge Information & Resources


     · 12 Special Ways to Say Goodbye to a Beloved Pet    www.joincake.com/blog/saying-goodbye-to-a-pet

     · End of Life Care    www.aspa.og/pet-care/general-pet-care/end-life-care

     · Legal Challenges Surrounding Pet Loss    www.funeralwise.com/pet-loss/how-to-cope/legal

     · Pet Loss Support Sites & Groups




Service & Support Anmal Resources

          Online MFT Programs: Benefits of Therapy Dogs


Safety Information & Resources

          Coming Soon!

Animal Communication

          Coming Soon!

Books & Audio Books

     · Tyson’s Gift (a memoir)



     · Keep Your Paws on the Road: A Practical Guide to Traveling with Dogs (Amazon)


          Kindle Edition


     · KeepSafe Collar

Affiliate & Partnership Links

     Coming soon!

Rescue Sites

     Coming soon!
